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Phnom Penh’s Walking Street: A New Era for Urban Life
‘While active street life generates neighbourliness, which is a critical form of social “wealth,” it is also quite literally good for business. Walkable, active streets generate their own public order, and their foot traffic fuels local shops. Walking is as much a factor in urban
From Stroads to Streets – Making Our Roads Safer for Everyone
UNDP Cambodia reports that an average of 5.4 people die daily from traffic accidents, making it the sixth deadliest cause of mortality in the Kingdom. Nearly 50% of injuries resulting from these accidents are fatal or serious (2014-19), with Cambodian youth suffering the most severe
Hidden Heritage – Chen Dam Daek Popup Community Event
Events and festivals play an important role in supporting economic growth, changing perceptions, and fostering social and cultural regeneration (Richards, 2017). They are often used as key components of placemaking programs to create opportunities for connecting places with people (Son et al., 2021). While the
Building Footprint Data: Highly Detailed Building Footprint Data for Cambodia from Google Research Lab
The Building Footprint dataset, produced by Google Research under the Open Buildings project, is a large-scale open-access dataset containing the outlines of 1.8 billion buildings across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Launched in 2021, the project covers about 40% of the globe and
The Living Facades: Urban Infrastructure as Archive
Humans are adaptable creatures, modifying their living environments to meet their needs. Historically, residential buildings were characterized by continuous changes driven by the evolving needs of their occupants (Konieczna, 2018). Architecture, too, has evolved and developed to serve the changing needs of societies. The social
City Sound Disturbance: Revealing the Silent Threat to Wellbeing
Noise pollution is more than just an annoyance; it’s a growing public health issue that’s affecting our physical and mental well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore what noise pollution is, how it impacts your health, and what we can do to reduce its effects.
American-made maps of Cambodia from 1971
To me, old maps from the past reveal some of the most interesting features that I have never would have noticed in my city or anywhere in my home country. Historical Maps on Interactive Map I began by downloading scanned images of historical maps from
Mapping Progress: Banteay Meanchey’s Investment Tech
Nestled in the northwestern part of Cambodia, Banteay Meanchey province presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. This article explores the geographic, economic, and demographic aspects of this dynamic region, while highlighting the groundbreaking creation of Cambodia’s first GIS-based (geographic information system) digital data
Building Smart Cities for All – The Path to Digital Inclusion
Smart City as a term made its first appearance in the early 1990s, and researchers have emphasised technology, innovation and globalisation in the process of urbanisation. According to British Standards Institute, they defined Smart Cities as “the effective integration of physical digital and human systems
Sereisaophaon City Tree Canopy Height Map
Sereisaophaon City Overview Sereisaophaon city is the provincial capital of Banteay Meanchey province. It has a unique layout compared to many of Cambodia’s provincial capitals. The city sprawls around four noticeable mountains: Phnom Svay, Phnom Chanhchang, Phnom Bek, and Phnom Klakon. In the southern part