Public space is somewhere, someplace, for people to go out, relax, or interact with each other. This could be the gathering point of groups of friends or strangers, planned or unplanned. Public space consists of more than green parks, waterfront areas, streets, or pavements, but it has a broader character to be called public space.

The public space could either be owned by the government or private such as New York Central Park, which is owned by the government but Walmart is a private property and both of them are considered public spaces because they are open to everybody. However, each public space has its restrictions according to its purpose. Public space is not, alone, done by the hand of architects, urban designers, or town planners, but it is the adaptation of the public toward the use of space. It could be pleasant or unpleasant; for example, street markets in Cambodia are mostly badly managed and are mostly smelly and dirty, but there are always shoppers from dawn to dusk; moreover, they are the most vibrant public space among the rest of Cambodia.